I haven't been posting much lately. A lot of that is related to busyness at work. The two seem to be inversely related.
It is interesting to me this whole meme about blogging can kill you from the NY Times. It made clear to me the very big gulf between professional bloggers and those of us like me who are just messing around with it. If I was a pro-blogger and very busy then you would see my posting volume increase.
I don't think that you have to make the majority of your income from blogging in order to be a pro-blogger like Mike Arrington or Robert Scoble but certainly those who do blog regularly - Fred Wilson, Brad Feld etc. have an economic interest in doing so and put a lot of time/energy into their blogs.
It became clear to me about the time that Aggregate Knowledge really started to take off that I would have to make a choice about how much to blog. Spend time blogging or spend time making the business grow. In my case, the two aren't mutually compatible. Me blogging and participating in the conversation going on in the blogosphere isn't going to move my business forward that much. So I don't do it that often.
I sometimes think about the people who blog a lot the same way that I think about people who go to a lot of conferences. Don't you have a day job you should be doing?
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